02 June 2010

blue sky thinking

EDIT: Seb points out one I should've remembered:


Seb said...

Earth, sky... the SunnO))) comes a bit later.

Rimshot, crash, thank you!

Sam Davies said...

Forgot this one, i'll use the banner typography across the top as my excuse... Never occurred to me before now, but looking at the Earth 2 a/work, there's a (perhaps unintentional) play going on where the word 'earth' clashes with the sky - a little like those tests where you have to read colour names that have been printed in different colours: red printed green, yellow printed purple etc.

carl said...

that Belew album's really good!

Sam Davies said...

I tracked the Belew one down on the basis of Remain in Light & the Compass Point connection... don't often listen beyond Big Electric Cat though tbh...